
M/s. Professional Couriers network Ltd (PCNL) was incorporated on 19th Feb'2007 and it was appointed as the master Franchisee of The Professional Couriers Private Ltd to run and manage the courier business in North, East, Central and North East India. It was further authorized to use the network of The Professional Couriers Private Ltd for its delivery in south & west zones. With this agreement PCNL has access to vast area of network in India. PCNL has started its first business operations in New Delhi from 1st August 2008 and later expanded its network in entire North, East, Central and North East India and the same had focused on strengthening it's network of Franchisees and it's own offices with its Zonal offices in New Delhi and Kolkata. It has its Registered and Central Admin office at Chennai and Corporate Head office at Hyderabad.

PCNL gives employment to thousands of people. It has turned hundreds of ambitious aspiring youngsters to be the proud Managers of an elite company. Much more, it is today a Courier organization which is being looked upon by the others as a role model of what a courier should be.

Today PCNL in India has 2 Zonal Offices, 10 Regional Offices, 560 Franchisees & 1200 Business Associates and easily well over 25,000 destinations, where delivery is possible, by far, the biggest Courier Network in India. Its organization paved the way for a reliable and an economically affordable express courier service which was considered a luxury in its operational area prior to it's incorporation.